What Are the Functions of Physiotherapy Laser?


Physiotherapy laser, that is, laser therapy in physical therapy, plays an important role in modern medicine, and its effect is widespread and significant.

1. Anti-inflammatory effect

Enhance the phagocytic capacity of white blood cells: Although low-power physiotherapy laser has no direct bactericidal effect, it can increase the phagocytic capacity of white blood cells and help eliminate inflammation.

Promote the metabolism of adrenocortical hormones: Some physiotherapy lasers can promote the metabolism of adrenocortical hormones, thereby indirectly exerting anti-inflammatory effects.

2. Promote epithelial growth

Accelerate wound healing: Physiotherapy laser can promote epithelial cell growth and blood vessel regeneration, and can be used to treat surface ulcers and other conditions.

3. Laser cutting, welding and cauterization

Thermal effect principle: The basic principle of physiotherapy laser is the thermal effect of laser, which can be used for retinal detachment, skin warts and other treatment scenarios that require cutting, welding or cauterization.

4. Acupoint treatment

Regulate qi, blood and organ functions: Physiotherapy laser irradiates acupoints, which can penetrate the skin and directly act on nerve ending receptors, regulating the movement of qi and blood through its influence on meridians to achieve the purpose of treatment.

5. Treatment of tumors

Hyperthermic effect: Physiotherapy laser can use its hyperthermic effect to treat tumors and achieve therapeutic purposes by destroying tumor cells.

6. Other functions

Analgesia: Some applications of physiotherapy laser also have a certain analgesic effect, which can relieve the patient's pain.

Biostimulation effect: Physiotherapy laser also has biostimulation effect and can promote certain physiological activities of the organism.